The Best Version

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What ignites your soul with passion and purpose?

Only Getting Better is for anyone who believes that each new day is an opportunity to become a better version of themselves. A wiser, stronger, and smarter version which stems from the core of who you are as a person. The type of person who may not have all the answers but who knows deep down inside that you were created for a deeper purpose and you are passionate about pursuing whatever “it” may be.

In short …this blog was created for you!

My own journey toward discovering deeper purpose has been filled with highs and lows … mountains and valleys … floods and droughts … but the one constant through everything is the burning desire to emerge triumphantly on the other side. To become someone who not only survives but also thrives.

This blog is a reflection of lessons I have learned along the way. Life lived authentically; sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet (and maybe even something in between) but always real.

Real as in:

  • Marriage is the ultimate marathon requiring far more patience and forgiveness than I ever imagined it would.
  • Conquering a degree while having babies is one of the hardest but also one of the most fulfilling experiences out there.
  • Progress is more important than perfection.
  • Divorce is deeply painful but not fatal.
  • Looking for the bright side of every situation suddenly makes the world a sunnier place.
  • Parenting does NOT come with a manual.

So … come along with me on the journey toward Only Getting Better. A journey of self-discovery, intention, and growth. Although I am far from having even a small fraction of life figured out, I do know that it’s all about being grateful for each new day and the opportunity to be just a little bit better. The opportunity to be the best version possible.

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