5 Secrets of Successful Women

5 Secrets of Successful Women

Money, fame, achievement. Everyone craves success on some level. And everyone’s definition of success is slightly different.

As a working mom, my definition of success includes separate achievements for work and home. Both realms are demanding and it can sometimes feel like I’m treading water rather than making any real progress.

I certainly could decide to simply maintain status quo. It seems much easier to maintain rather than gain. Maintaining is especially appealing when there are so many demands both at work and at home!

But this thought just doesn’t sit right with me. Something inside keeps pushing me toward bigger and better things.

After all, there are examples everywhere of successful women excelling both at home and at work.

What are their secrets to success? And how can you achieve success in your own life?

The obvious answer is that it depends upon what you’re trying to achieve.

If you want to be a bestselling author, you have to write a book. And if you want to be the CEO of your own company, you need to first start and then grow said company.

If you’re looking for a more organized household, you have to figure out a realistic daily organizational schedule. And stick to it.

Although the steps required to achieve success vary depending upon the specific goal, success requires certain key attributes.

Successful women everywhere are proof that success is achieveable if these key attributes are central tenets in their lives.

You may be asking yourself exactly what these key attributes are.

Don’t worry – I’ve got you covered! Read on to find out.

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Successful Women Work Hard

“I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.”

Estee Lauder

Rachel Hollis is one of my all-time favorite successful women. She is both motivational and inspirational but also delivers honesty.

Brutal honesty at times.

In one of her recent podcasts, she made a statement which has stuck with me ever since.

“Success is supposed to be hard.”

On some level, I already knew this. But to hear someone say it was oddly comforting. Sometimes I get lulled into the assumption that if something is hard, I must be doing it wrong. As if ease somehow guarantees the correct path.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Accomplishing anything requires time and effort. Repeated over and over and over. Early mornings. Late nights. Sacrifice.

Successful women are not born that way. Success is merely the pay-off for all the work they put in towards their goals.

Although wildly successful now, Rachel definitely didn’t start out that way.

Her book highlights her struggles with anxiety, self-confidence, and carving out her own career path.

A path paved by long hours of volunteering alongside her regular job to learn what she ultimately knew she needed to know to succeed on her own.

She is adament that success doesn’t randomly find you. Rather, you must put forth the effort to find it.

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Successful Women Never Give Up

“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”

Harriet Beecher Stowe

And speaking of putting forth effort … successful women never give up! No matter what.

Success requires persistence. Extreme persistence at times.

The persistence of a woman with a spark of an idea for something bigger.

Despite seemingly insurmountable odds including divorce and raising a daughter on her own, the spark grows.

And she writes. She continues fanning the flames of inspiration despite struggling to make ends meet. Five years after the spark of an idea initially comes to her, she finishes the manuscript.

And the manuscript is rejected by 12 different publishers before finally being accepted by one.

Her persistence pays off and she eventually becomes author of the best-selling book series in history. J. K. Rowling achieved remarkable success, at least in part thanks to her unwillingness to give up.

Remember all that stuff about working hard? A big piece of working hard is refusing to give up. We just never know what life will throw at us next. And we have no way of knowing what’s around the next corner.

Success is a funny thing in that it requires an incredible amount of undefined effort.

In other words, when we decide to take action toward a goal, we have no idea exactly how much effort it will require.

We have no idea which big push will result in major pay-off.

But giving up on your goals virtually guarantees failure. And failure of this type is completely non-productive.

Successful Women Fail Forward

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.”

J. K. Rowling

Successful women embrace failure as a tool for growth. And failure is actually a more effective teacher than success because the lessons learned are infinitely more memorable.

If you choose to see failure in this light.

Unfortunately, our own egos tend to get in the way of learning from failure.

It can be all too easy to latch onto the negative emotion accompanying failure rather than sort through to find the value.

Ultimately the negativity can morph into bitterness over time.

You may have heard of fashion designer Vera Wang but did you know that she grew up figure skating competitively?

Vera skated in the 1968 U.S. Figure Skating Championships with her sights on making the Olympic team.

Unfortunately, she didn’t make the team.

At that point, Vera had a choice. She could allow this failure to define her and overshadow every other good thing in her life.

Or she could learn from it and choose to move forward.

And move forward she did.

Vera ultimately chose to pursue fashion and became one of the top household names in the industry today.

I will be the first to admit that I know nothing about fashion. Zero. Zip. Zilch.

And even I recognize her name.

Would the same be true if she had made the Olympic figure skating team?

There’s no way to know for sure but what can be gained from this story is the fact that you can choose to learn and grow from failure.

Failure in life is inevitable.

Don’t ever let it define you!

Successful Women Have a Plan

“Plan your work for today and every day. Then work your plan.”

Margaret Thatcher

Imagine getting into your car one day with the intention of going somewhere.

You have no idea where you want to go but have a vague sense there is somewhere you are supposed to be.

Your “to-do” list is a mile long but those things can certainly wait. After all, many of those tasks have actually been on your list for months now.

So you turn the key in the ignition and back out of the driveway.

What follows are 3 hours of aimless driving before you realize that the car is low on gas.

You pull into the gas station to fill up and suddenly realize where you were supposed to be.

At work giving a presentation.

Three hours ago.


Whether it’s a plan for the day, for your future, or for next week, successful women know the value of planning.

After all, how can you possibly know when you’ve achieved what you’re going after when you have no idea what you’re actually aiming for?

Planning gives you a sense of purpose and a road map to your destination.

You may also enjoy reading this post about time management for busy moms.

Successful Women Choose Gratitude

“Developing an ‘attitude of gratitude’ is one of the simplest ways to improve your satisfaction with life.”

Amy Morin

Life is unpredictable.

You can put in all the back-aching, up-all-night, totally exhausting work towards your goals and still face setback after setback.

And despite the setbacks, you can make the choice to learn and grow rather than letting them overwhelm you.

Sometimes all the planning in the world can’t even prepare you for what’s coming next.

I mean, seriously.

If I told you a year ago that in March of 2020, the entire United States would essentially shut down to prevent the spread of a virus, would you have believed me?

Probably not.

I wouldn’t have believed it myself.

And yet … here we are.

Despite the craziness, you still have control over one thing.

Your attitude.

You can still make the choice to wake up each morning seeing the rain either as a vital necessity or the horrible thing which cancels your parade.

Successful women actively seek out areas of their lives which are bright spots and express gratitude.

Taking this perspective shifts your focus off the negative of any given situation and instead allows a more productive thought process.

Learning to express gratitude rather than wallow in self-pity takes effort but is ultimately worth the work.

You may also enjoy reading this post about achieving a positive mindset.

It’s Your Turn

Although the definition of success varies from woman to woman, the secrets to achieving any type of success are similar.

Expect to work hard regardless of your goal. If success was easy, everyone would attain it.

Never ever give up! You just never know when you will break through the other side of whatever you’re trying to accomplish.

Learn from failure rather than letting it overwhelm you. Failure may be trying to point you down a completely different path than you have ever considered before.

Make a plan. Chances are, you’ll need to revise it on a regular basis. But it’s much easier to steer something that’s already in motion than to get it going in the first place.

Read something new. If you’re looking for inspiration, check out these helpful reads:

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And lastly, prioritize gratitude. There’s always something to be thankful for! Get in the habit of regularly looking for those bright spots in your life.

I hope you have come away from this post feeling a little more motivated and inspired to achieve success in your own life!

I’d love to hear your thoughts below!

5 Ways to Find Peace Despite Chaos

5 Ways to Find Peace Despite Chaos

The world is a strange place right now.

Here in Wisconsin, the governor ordered closure of all bars and restaurants earlier this week.

If you know anything about Wisconsin, it’s that our population relies on its dense population of bars and churches to survive.

And churches across the state closed their doors over the weekend.

Last week, nursing homes across the state made the incredibly difficult decision to close their doors to visitors.

The public school system has been shut down.

Sports stadiums everywhere are silent.

Companies are finding ways for their employees to work from home.

These are truly unprecedented times we are living in.

Life as we have come to know it is changing rapidly.

Amidst all the crazy toilet paper buying, doomsday prepping, and constant media coverage, anxiety is at an all-time high.

We have no way of knowing what tomorrow will bring.

The realities of preparing for the coronavirus have impacted most aspects of my own life. It feels like everywhere I turn, there are new reasons to stress.

It all feels very overwhelming.

Getting swept up in the madness is so easy!

But is that really how you want to live your life? At the mercy of whatever crisis the media is currently fixated on?

Or would you rather take charge of anxiety, grounded in peace that you, in fact, can handle whatever life throws at you?

You do have a choice. Either be consumed by anxiety. Or choose peace.

Lately I have been focusing on how to find peace despite the chaos.

And the great news? You can too! Here are 5 ways to get started today.

1. Find peace despite chaos through time spent with loved ones

In the midst of chaos, routines are turned upside down.

Soccer practice? Cancelled.

Your after-hours work event? Cancelled.

Cheerleading? Cancelled.

But do you know what hasn’t been cancelled?

Family dinner.

A walk through the neighborhood.

Game night.

Although we would never have expected our social calendars to suddenly clear, is it really such a bad thing?

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like my schedule is filled with obligations rather than meaning.

It can often feel like I say “yes” to things because of what others want me to be or do. I forget to listen to my own voice. And if I don’t prioritize my own time, there’s no one on this earth who will do it for me!

There is also a tendency to take the time spent with friends and family for granted. We can get lulled into thinking they will always be there waiting for us.

It’s far too easy to get caught up in the mundane of the routine and forget to connect with those around us.

If there’s anything the uncertainty of the past couple of weeks has taught me, it’s that the time is now.

We can’t take anything for granted because we have no idea what’s coming tomorrow.

Uncertainty reminds us that being intentional about our time and creating meaningful connections with others are both incredibly important.

The silver lining in all this social distancing is actually a brand new start. The slate is wiped clean. We are free to start all over again with a better understanding of our goals and priorities.

Including, and especially, our loved ones.

You have an amazing opportunity to both reconnect with your loved ones and to find peace despite the chaos!

And thanks to technology, you can both reconnect and maintain social distancing guidelines.

So take a step in the right direction today. Give someone you haven’t spoken with in awhile a call. Reach out and make a connection.

After all, what better conversation starter could there be than a gigantic, nationwide toilet paper shortage? It really couldn’t get any easier than that!

2. Turn off the news

Yes, the news is important. It has a vital role in keeping all of us updated on happenings both local and around the world.

But they also want to keep you coming back for more.

They want you to choose them over every other news channel (or website) out there.

And how do they hook you?

By feeding into your emotions, namely fear.

Remember the principle of fight or flight? Biologically speaking, fear triggers an incredibly strong chemical response within your body.

The fear response is stronger than the response garnered by most other emotions.

The news media keeps you hooked by triggering your fear response. Over and over and over again.

They are making sure you continue to tune in by scaring you.

I am all for being updated on the facts of various occurrences.

But I am not about to be fed sensationalized versions of facts whose only purpose is to scare me into continuing to watch.

And my advice to you? Figure out exactly what it is you need to know and then locate an organization focused on the facts.

For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has the most up-to-date information on travel restrictions and ways to stay healthy.

Local county health departments are tracking the latest statistics on people impacted in your area.

Neither source will give you sensationalized accounts of how everyone in America will eventually succumb to the virus and 50% of those people will die.

They will simply give you facts. Nothing more, nothing less.

Why would you ever need anything more than that?

3. Search for the positive amidst the negative

When everything goes haywire, it’s incredibly easy to focus on what’s going wrong.

Especially when the changes are as surreal as those happening right now.

If you had told me a year ago that a virus would close down the public school system indefinitely, I would never have believed you.

Likewise, I would never have believed that I would shop my local Wal-Mart at 7 a.m. and find the shelves as bare as I’ve ever seen them.

Or that those same Wal-Mart shelves would be completely devoid of toilet paper.

Changes this dramatic are very unsettling.

But focusing on the negative will only get you to a place of deeper anxiety.

As strange as all the recent events have been, it will all eventually fade into our memories.

Restaurants will open back up again.

Kids will complain about playing basketball in gym class (or maybe that was just me!?).

You will once again be able to meet up with your bestie for coffee without regulation that you sit at least 6 feet apart.

Believe it or not, good things are coming out of all this madness.

One example in my own life is my daycare’s decision to close, coincidentally at the same time my in-laws went on vacation out-of-state.

We have never relied too heavily on sitters so our list is incredibly short. Unfortunately, our usual sitter was already committed elsewhere.

My friend put out a Facebook post that her teenage daughter was available to watch kiddos. I decided to reach out and give it a try.

And do you know what happened?

The kids loved her! They had a great time and now our sitter list is just a bit longer.

Although it takes effort, we can choose to look for the positives in an otherwise negative situation.

Be a positive force in an otherwise chaotic world.

You may also enjoy reading this post about how to get yourself into a positive mindset.

4. Find peace despite chaos through rest

I am guilty of completely over-booking myself. Day after day, week after week, month after month.

Between home, work, and my very limited social life, I feel compelled to constantly be doing something.

My house could always use some type of attention, whether it’s laundry, the floors, or the messy bathroom.

And based upon the piles of dirty laundry which appear every week, I swear to you that there are at least 3 extra people living in my house who I’ve never met. Which begs the question … why aren’t they helping with their laundry?

Also, would it kill them to sweep the floor once in awhile?

Work has also been a challenge as within the past year, I have transitioned to the new role of nurse practitioner. And when you take on a new role, there’s always an abundance to learn and improve upon.

Especially during such an unpredented time as this.

I do have to admit that my social life is essentially non-existent at this point and the virus is not entirely to blame. Between work and home, I simply have no extra energy left to devote to its revival.

Although I have never been someone with a wide social circle, the people I do consider friends are very near and dear to me.

And many of them are also in the midst of figuring out their own work/life balance.

But I have always felt that I could do a better job of staying connected with friends despite my very introverted tendencies.

I am constantly lying to myself about the possibility of a break. “I’ll just keep going until xyz and then I will take some time for myself.”

But when xyz happens, I never take the promised break.

And then I wonder why I’m constantly so exhausted.

Sometimes, we just need a break. And maybe this is God’s way of forcing a break on all of us.

Anxiety feeds off fatigue, exhaustion, and overhwelm. Stop anxiety in its tracks by taking a nap, a Netflix break, or by picking up a good book.

Take advantage of this moment to stop “being” and to instead just “be.”

5. Have faith

At a time when even churches have closed their doors, the world may seem a very hopeless place right now.

Although there are changes sweeping the nation and the world, we have to remember that we have never really been in charge anyway.

Whether it’s coronavirus or some other crazy disease threatening the world, we have no idea what tomorrow will bring.

We can only do our very best to do what we can with what we have and leave the rest in God’s hands.

“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.

Romans 5: 1-2

Anxiety never changes tomorrow’s outcome but it does steal today’s peace.

My challenge to you today is to choose peace. Reject anxiety.

Focus on the good. Make a difference where you can. Help someone else out.

And never lose your faith that all will work out according to God’s plan.

It’s Your Turn

There’s no denying the big changes happening everywhere.

Between all the closings, the constant news media coverage, and the empty store shelves, some would have you believe the world itself is ending.

But it’s really not all bad!

Social distancing is a technique useful for minimizing the impact illnesses such as the coronavirus can have on a population.

It’s a way we can both conserve resources and protect those who are most vulnerable.

Yes, it’s definitely unsettling to drive through an eerily quiet city.

But this too will pass.

And by taking these drastic measures, I pray the impact will be minimal.

I can only imagine that we will also have a much greater appreciation for having the ability to once again gather with friends and family.

Seize this unsettling time to find peace despite chaos.

Choosing peace will help you become a stronger and more resilient person, better equipped to take on the next crisis thrown at you.

After all, doesn’t surviving a toilet paper shortage equip you to overcome basically anything???

I would love to hear your thoughts on this post below! What are you struggling with right now and what has helped you find peace despite chaos?

5 Benefits of Learning Piano as an Adult

5 Benefits of Learning Piano as an Adult

Have you thought about learning piano as an adult but are not sure whether it would be worth your time?

Maybe you attended lessons when you were younger but never took it seriously and have since forgotten everything.

Or maybe you stuck with lessons for several years and still remember a bit but are now confused about where to pick up again.

I have had countless conversations with adults who tell me they would love to be able to play piano but feel that it’s simply too late to learn.

Each and every time I encounter this situation, my advice is the same.

It’s NEVER too late!

In fact, there are several benefits to learning piano as an adult versus as a child. (I believe there are way more than 5 but for purposes of keeping this post at a manageable length, I had to limit myself!)

In this post, I will be sharing benefits of learning the piano as an adult and address common roadblocks keeping you stuck. Make sure you stick around until the end for the awesome bonus resources designed to jumpstart your piano journey!

And for those of you who are ready to start your piano journey, check out this post.

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Benefits of Learning Piano as an Adult

Music has the ability to transport us to a completely different place and time. It has the power to evoke a long forgotten memory or bring out emotions we have tried our hardest to avoid.

Try to imagine watching a movie without music. Pretty tough, isn’t it? Music is the unseen character adding life, passion, and humanity to each and every scene.

Music inspires and motivates on a deeper level than can be achieved in other ways.

And the ability to make music? To breathe life into the melody running through your mind? That is something else entirely!

5 Day Piano Challenge

Do you want to learn to play piano but have no idea where to start?

Join the challenge and receive 5 days of actionable steps taking you from clueless to confident in your piano journey!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    1. Anxiety and Stress Reduction

    I will be the first to raise my hand and admit I have anxiety.

    Give me some type of vaguely hypothetical situation and I will concoct a compelling reason why you should be afraid. Very afraid.

    Unfortunately for me, anxiety + creativity = excessive worry about completely ridiculous situations.

    My tendency to allow anxiety to slowly creep in and eventually take over is one of the reasons I love playing piano the most.

    When my brain is busy transferring notes from the page to my fingers, it doesn’t have space left to perseverate.

    The integration required between the instrument, my brain, and my body is too complex to allow for any extraneous thoughts to creep in and take over.

    And when I’m not fixated on anxiety-provoking thoughts, relief from the sometimes all-consuming anxiety follows.

    Interestingly, research has shown that the act of making music is enough to interrupt the normal stress response which is triggered by anxiety.

    Even beyond the physiological effects of the stress response is the fact that making music is simply fun!

    You may also enjoy reading Elegie in Eb Minor.

    2. Playing Piano Boosts Cognition

    Playing the piano is a complex task which requires integration of the motor system and multiple senses.

    The pianist’s main goal in balancing all of this is to convey emotion through their artistry.

    I don’t say this to intimidate you in any way but rather to encourage thought about the complexity involved in translating writing on a page to an emotional idea.

    And where there is complexity, growth follows.

    Multiple studies have shown differences in brain structure between people who study music and those who don’t.

    This has most dramatically been noted in studies of cognition in the aging population.

    In short, cognitive function is better in adults who study piano in comparison to adults who do not. If you’re curious and want to learn more, check out the study results yourself here.

    Memory also improves among adults who play the piano.

    Although adults typically aren’t taking math and reading tests on a regular basis, studying piano has also been shown to boost scores in these areas.

    It may just be the compelling reason you need to inspire your kids to start learning piano as well???

    3. Playing Piano Instills Discipline

    Getting better at any type of activity requires doing more of that activity. The more we do something, the better we get at it.

    Learning to play the piano is no different.

    It requires a certain amount of dedication.

    Consistent, high-quality practice results in progression of your skills.

    The good news is that learning piano as an adult often requires a degree of discipline that you already have.

    Chances are good that you have learned how to excel in various areas of your life. In order to excel, you have already figured out how to put in the work to see the pay-off.

    And if discipline is an area you struggle with, there’s good news for you too!

    Setting a practice schedule (and sticking with it) can set the stage for discipline in other areas of your life.

    Once you have figured out consistency in this area, it’s easier to apply to other areas.

    If you are looking for more tips on piano practice, check out this post.

    4. Improved Ability to Handle Feedback

    Getting feedback from someone else can be hard!

    If you struggle with emotional vulnerability, the natural response to feedback often comes across as defensiveness.

    And nothing shuts down open communication quicker than being defensive!

    But sometimes we need the perspectives of others to make positive changes.

    We need input from employers, spouses, and friends to become better versions of ourselves.

    Unfortunately, daily life often doesn’t provide a safe space to practice receiving feedback.

    Unless you’re learning a new skill under the direction of someone who is more advanced.

    A new skill like learning to play the piano.

    Learning a new skill takes the pressure off getting feedback.

    As a beginner, you’re not expected to know anything. At the same time, feedback is exactly what you need to improve.

    Piano lessons are a great way to practice getting feedback in a low-pressure situation. You can then apply this skill to other areas of your life and watch your ability to communicate with others improve as well!

    5. Playing Piano Increases Confidence

    Although it may seem contradictory, learning a new skill can actually increase your overall confidence.

    Learning something new encourages a sense of curiousity. When we are curious, we are far less likely to be overly self-critical.

    Our energy is instead focused on learning and growing. As we begin to see improvements, we become more and more confident.

    The confidence from one specific area of our lives can spill into all other areas.

    Especially if this new skill involves an element of performance.

    And whether you are by yourself practicing, playing through a piece for your teacher, or giving a recital, music is performance.

    Confidence is an essential aspect of musical performance and is incredibly useful in daily life.

    Roadblocks Keeping You Stuck

    Now that we’ve covered the top benefits of learning piano as an adult, let’s talk barriers.

    Despite the benefits, I know there are a few things still holding you back from getting started. Let’s break them down, one-by-one.

    Piano Lessons are for Kids

    Although it is true that many people begin lessons as kids, learning as an adult actually has several advantages.

    The first is that as an adult, you are choosing to learn piano. No one is setting a practice timer for you. You’re not getting grounded for skipping your lesson.

    You call the shots.

    It’s up to you to find a teacher you mesh well with. You also get to decide the instrument if you don’t already have one. It’s also entirely up to you whether you take in-person or online lessons.

    Your success with the instrument rests entirely in your hands.

    And speaking of hands … the second advantage to learning as an adult is that your hand-eye coordination and muscles are fully developed.

    Learning certain pieces and specific techniques is now possible. Although kids may progress rapidly in their study of the instrument, they can be held back on further progress due to development.

    The third advantage involves attention span and critical thinking skills. Both are much more advantageous to effective learning in an adult versus in kids.

    Many kids can only sit and concentrate for ten minutes at a time. Their practice is therefore somewhat limited.

    Adults on the other hand can focus for much longer stretches of time.

    They also have a greater capacity to integrate music theory and analysis to more effectively learn music. This is one aspect of playing where I continue to feel somewhat disadvantaged.

    Although I did have elements of music theory in my lessons from a very young age, I didn’t fully appreciate it until I was older. By that time, I feel that I had already developed my own specific way for learning pieces without the theory component.

    I continue to accommodate for this deficit today and am making progress but feel that learning piano as an adult is a major asset in this area!

    Time (Or Lack Thereof)

    I get it. Your day is busy. Maybe even crazy. I’m sure there are days which pass so quickly you are left wondering where the time went when your head hits the pillow at night.

    I have those days too.

    But do you really want to spend your days wondering where the time went?

    Or would you rather use the time you have been given to pursue your biggest goals and dreams?

    Learning piano as an adult may seem like it will take an enormous amount of time and energy.

    Depending upon your goals, it will.

    Guess what though?

    You don’t have to expend all that energy in one day. Practice is actually more beneficial if broken into small, very intentional, chunks of time.

    There are days when I only have 10 minutes to devote to practice.

    But I make the most of it and look forward to the days when I’m able to practice more.

    Every minute adds up to better and better playing.

    The time will pass anyway. You might as well make the most out of it!

    You may also enjoy reading this post about how to find more time in your day.

    Finding a Teacher

    Thanks to technology, the days of traveling to your piano teacher’s house for lessons are gone.


    There are still plenty of teachers who continue to offer lessons this way.

    And learning this way continues to be the preferred method for many people.

    But what are your options if you don’t have a teacher nearby? Or if you don’t have time to drive to lessons?

    You could choose to attend lessons online or subscribe to a membership website dedicated to helping people learn to play piano.

    The Membership Website Dilemma

    I’m not sure whether you’ve looked into membership websites or not but there are a million out there. Whether you’ve been playing 3 months, 30 years or whether you have any actual knowledge of how to teach someone else to play, you can create your own course. The bottom line is that whether someone has any credibility or not, they can create a website and pass themselves off as an “expert.”

    I, for one, do not want to pay for some random course created by someone without any actual authority in the piano world.

    This is one of the many reasons why I carefully vetted multiple courses prior to finally making the decision to join this one. I was looking for credibility and authority. And I found both and so much more in the ProPractice course created by Dr. Josh Wright.

    Dr. Wright is a critically acclaimed pianist and gifted instructor. Check out his performance of the 3rd Rachmaninoff Concerto here. And if you’re looking for another incredible performance, here is the Chopin Ballade No. 1 in G minor. Each performance is absolutely inspiring!

    Created and taught by Dr. Josh Wright himself, this course is perfect whether you are a complete beginner or have played for years. It also comes with access to an incredibly supportive Facebook group of fellow pianists.

    As a result of joining the course, my technique and artistry has dramatically improved. I’ve learned so much about interpretation and even how to manage the sometimes quite limited practice time I have. I have seen such positive changes in my playing that I became passionate about sharing this course with others looking to improve their own playing.

    This course has absolutely made me a better pianist and is well worth the investment!

    Click here to check out all this course has to offer!

    Finding an Instrument

    Not having an instrument is an obvious barrier to learning piano as an adult.

    In order to make progress, you will need consistent practice. Practice will require an instrument.

    Luckily, you also have several options in this area.

    Many people prefer an acoustic piano. Acoustic pianos come in several different sizes and in quite variable price ranges.

    You can find a spinet (a smaller acoustic piano) for free on Craigslist. There are also many perfectly acceptable instruments out there for less than $1,000. Keep in mind that in many instances, you get what you pay for.

    In the beginning of your studies, you can make progress with a lower quality instrument.

    Investing less up front can also take the pressure off later if you decide that piano isn’t for you.

    I definitely recommend working with a piano tuner to find an instrument within your budget. They will be able to give you an accurate estimate of the instrument you are considering. Piano tuners can also tell you whether any major work on the instrument is required.

    An electronic keyboard is another option if space is limited. A great advantage of these is the option to plug in headphones. You can then practice any time of the day or night.

    Keyboards also offer many different setting and recording options. They also come in a wide range of features and prices.

    Bonus Resource Section

    Hopefully by now you’ve been inspired to either start or continue your own piano journey. Here are a few of my favorite resources to further your journey!

    Practice Secrets

    Let’s face it. Practicing is the only way to improve but sometimes it can feel a bit monotonous. Ignite your passion for practice with this book!

    Full of both practical and useful advice, this book is guaranteed to freshen up any stale practice regimen. I truly cannot say enough good things about this book so I highly encourage you to check it out for yourself!

    And if you’re looking for the ultimate practice app, look no further than Modacity! It’s helped me approach practice from a completely different perspective which has resulted in a dramatic improvement in my piano skills. You can read more about my experience with the app here and you can even access an exclusive offer for Only Getting Better here.

    Recording Success

    Even during my college years, my piano teacher encouraged me to record regularly. In those days, I wish I would have had something as easy and effective as this microphone!

    A quality microphone is one of the best ways to learn to listen and make improvements when working independently, either between lessons or with a membership website. And you won’t find a better quality microphone or one that’s easier to use in this price point. This microphone has been one of the biggest keys to my own piano success.

    The Best Piano Membership Site

    If you’re looking for a high value course led by an expert in the field, Dr. Josh Wright’s ProPractice course is the one to check into. He also offers courses based on individual pieces if there’s a specific one you’re interested in learning. Check out what he has to offer because it’s comparable to nothing else out there!

    Finding a Piano Teacher

    If you’re ready to get started but are looking for type of 1:1 guidance only a piano teacher can offer, make sure to check out this list of online teachers accepting new students. Each of the teachers listed has a truly unique background and approach to teaching so stop waiting and get started now!

    Let’s Get Started!

    And there you have it! Five benefits to learning the piano as an adult and the common roadblocks holding you back. For even more information on getting started, check out this post on how to learn piano as an adult.

    I truly hope this post inspires you to get out of your comfort zone and go for it! You never know where this one decision will take you. So get out there and get started!

    I’d love to hear your thoughts on this article and whether it inspired you to take the first step!

    Achieve a Positive Mindset … Achieve Your Goals!

    Achieve a Positive Mindset … Achieve Your Goals!

    I have a confession to make. A deep, dark secret which is tough to admit even to myself.

    The secret is that a negative mindset has destroyed progress toward so many of my goals in life.

    Goals such as getting (and keeping!) my house organized. Expanding my piano repertoire by learning new pieces. Becoming more intentional about my time by saying “no” to people pleasing.

    The Root of the Problem

    The problem isn’t that I don’t have a strong “why.” It also has nothing to do with being unaware of how to get where I want to go.

    For me, the problem lies with negativity.

    There have been so many times when I make actual progress toward a goal only to wake up one day with a negative mindset. Maybe I didn’t sleep well the night before. Or maybe I missed my morning run.

    Whatever the initial reason, negativity sinks its teeth in and takes over.

    It all starts with doubt which causes me to question the validity of my goal.

    Accomplishing the goal suddenly seems impossible, unattainable, and even a waste of time.

    Something which once seemed absolutely worth doing loses its meaning in the face of negativity.

    Does this sound like you? Have you ever started passionately chasing a goal only to be stopped in your tracks by a negative mindset?

    A Cycle of Negativity

    A negative mindset, however small it starts, can be powerful enough to send me into a cycle of self-sabotage.

    The cycle goes something like this …

    I get excited about a new goal and figure out which small, daily steps will help me accomplish it.

    At first, I’m so excited about this goal that nothing can dissuade me from believing I will acomplish it.

    Taking those small, daily steps is simple at first because when you start from zero, seeing progress is easy.

    Regardless of the goal, progress gets tougher at some point.

    The initial excitement of having a new goal begins to fade away. You hit a wall and are forced to either learn and adapt or abandon ship.

    Growth is required to move beyond the starting point. And growth never comes without some type of turmoil.

    Seeds of Doubt

    And for me, that turmoil usually involves a tiny seed of doubt.

    It typically boils down to perfectionism and (admittedly) unattainable standards.

    The lie of perfection feeds thoughts of inadequacy and stalls progress. My mindset suddenly shifts from positive to negative.

    It quickly becomes easy to find every excuse in the book to stop taking action toward my goal.

    After all, with a husband, 3 kids, and a full-time career I don’t have to look very far to find an excuse!

    Armed with an excuse rationalized as quite validly justified in my mind, all daily actions stop. And my goal withers away to nothing.

    The tiny seed of doubt, watered by ridiculous excuses, soon grows into a huge tree preventing personal growth.

    “We are all gardeners, planting seeds of intention and watering them with attention in every moment of every day.”

    Cristen Rodgers

    Goals, Mindset, and Success

    If going after goals is so difficult, why do it? Why not just stay exactly where you are right now? And what does mindset have to do with any of this?

    I am a firm believer that growth is essential to life itself. We are constantly evolving into different versions of ourselves.

    Goals provide a framework and a direction for growth. There are a million different ways we could choose to grow. But chasing all of them at once means never making meaningful progress in any of them.

    It’s only when we focus our attention on a specific goal that we see progress. Whatever has our attention sees progress.

    Our mindset ultimately determines success or failure in the areas where our attention is focused.

    If we don’t pay attention to keeping our mindset positive, overwhelm, self-sabotage, and a tendency to remain stagnant can easily creep in.

    We remain stuck where we are if we don’t keep pursuing goals. We ultimately fail to accomplish what we set out to do.

    And even beyond the disappointment of one failed goal is the pattern of quitting which can quickly establish itself.

    A negative mindset can set you up to fail time after time. After awhile, negativity can convince you that trying again one more time is simply not worth it.

    Awareness: The First Step Toward A Positive Mindset

    We need positivity and small achievements here and there to encourage us to keep going even when it’s tough.

    The abilites to enjoy life, experience happiness, and achieve success depend upon mindset. Achieving a positive mindset is crucial!

    Are you ready to learn how to transform your mindset from self-sabotaging negativity to one of goal-conquering positivity? Although incorporating the following tactics does require some consistency, each one is actually quite simple.

    As with most things in life, the very first step is awareness.

    Pay attention to your thought patterns. Are the conversations you have with yourself dominated by motivational self-talk? Or do they tend to have negative overtones causing you to question yourself?

    Capture your thoughts on paper by spending some time writing them down.

    Can you identify any common themes to your thoughts? Can you figure out the root cause behind the negativity?

    In many instances, self-defeating thoughts are driven by a random negative comment made by someone years ago. Or a past situation which you perceive as having ended poorly.

    Our brains tend to drudge up negativity from the past and automate it into self-defeat or other negative thought patterns.

    It’s only when we take the time to process through our automated thinking that we begin to make connections and positive change.

    I have found that it’s incredibly easy to let my thinking go on auto-pilot. When on auto-pilot, the mind brings forth patterns of thinking which have developed over long periods of time.

    Patterns which may be based upon completely false information but which evoke feelings of low self-esteem, low self-confidence, and defeat.

    Challenge Your Thoughts

    Transferring your thoughts to paper gives them an element of reality which is otherwise difficult to capture. Seeing the words in black and white gives you the opportunity to analyze and even dispute the negativity.

    Patterns of thinking can become so ingrained into your thought life that they are nearly impossible to identify unless they are written down.

    And yet these patterns are powerful enough to hold you back from your full potential and stop personal growth.

    Once you have started writing down your thoughts, you can begin to challenge them. Is there any truth whatsoever behind those self-defeating thoughts? Begin to focus in on where the thought originated from and then work to re-frame it.

    Through writing down my own thought patterns, I have discovered that perfectionism often holds me back from progress. I have held onto the false belief that everything in my life has to be absolutely perfect for my life to have meaning.

    Perfectionism is a lie which has kept me stuck in a negative rut.

    Unfortunately, growth is messy and imperfect. Mistakes and missteps are a prerequisite to finding the right path.

    There is no perfection in life and continuing to believe this lie would forever keep me stuck.

    Uncovering the source of my negative mindset has been incredibly helpful in moving toward a more positive one. Learning or doing something new requires mistakes!

    My need to live up to some skewed definition of perfection has so often caused me to abandon goals and remain stagnant.

    But the good news is that through awarenss, I have now been able to identify exactly where my goals derail. Instead of letting myself go down the perfectionism trail, I can use various other tactics to keep myself going toward growth.

    Find a Mentor

    Adopting a growth mindset is often easier when you are surrounded by others who have a similar mindset.

    Seek out the company of others who are also interested in personal growth and maintaing a positive mindset.

    Consider finding a mentor or coach to assist you in attaining your goals. This is especially helpful if you are looking to advance your skills in a particular area.

    Finding a coach has been pivotal in several areas of my life, most notably in one of my favorite hobbies.

    A few years ago, I decided to pursue a type of horseback riding called dressage. I grew up riding in a completely different discipline but had always been intrigued by dressage.

    And so, I looked around for an instructor.

    A couple of weeks later, I finally found someone with not only a great deal of experience in the sport of dressage but who also has a growth mindset herself.

    It’s been 4 years and I continue to take so much value from not only the lessons themselves but their application to life in general.

    Finding an instructor with a positive mindset has been such a blessing in my own life! I highly encourage you to find that person in a relevant area of your own life.

    Accountability and learning from others propels growth in ways which are otherwise difficult to achieve.

    Your Physical Health

    And speaking of personal growth …. maintaining a positive mindset is nearly impossible if you’re not paying attention to your physical health.

    The food you put into your body, exercise, and sleep all have a profound impact on your mental wellbeing and simply cannot be ignored!

    The Gut-Brain Connection

    Believe it or not, there is a strong connection between the brain and the gut.

    Think about the last time you did something which made you nervous. Maybe it was a job interview, presentation, or even watching your daughter’s big soccer game. Did you have butterflies in your stomach?

    If so, you have experienced the gut-brain connection firsthand.

    Although we are only beginning to understand the science behind the connection, the fact that there is a connection simply cannot be disputed.

    When your brain is stressed and in a negative mindset, your stomach is impacted. You may even experience abdominal pain and cramping during times of high anxiety and depression. Likewise, when your stomach is in distress, signals with the potential to darken your mindset are sent to your brain.

    The great news is that there are certain foods which can reduce anxiety and therefore minimize abdominal distress.

    Foods high in vitamin C, healthy fats, and magnesium work in different ways to naturally reduce stress hormones and elevate your mood. Look for ways to add foods such as pistachios, salmon, oranges, and avocados to your diet.

    Move Your Body

    I know that exercise may not be everyone’s idea of a great time, but it does wonders for your brain health!

    Exercise actually releases feel-good hormones in your brain, elevating your mood and giving you a sense of accomplishment.

    Beyond the natural release of hormones which comes with exercise is the focus required to do it.

    Shifting your focus to completing a physical task often leaves little mental space to ruminate yourself further into a negative spiral.

    It gives your brain an opportunity to shift the focus elsewhere and to stop the tendency to spiral further.

    One of the reasons that I love dressage so much is that it requires a great deal of both mental focus and physical energy.

    Great riders make it look completely effortless but the truth is that the sport requires the rider to constantly adjust the horse into “effortless.”

    The rider must always read the horse’s movements and transfer that information into physical movements communicated back to the horse.

    In short, dressage requires intense focus combined with physical prowess and there is little room left over to ruminate on the negative.

    It completely engrosses me and by doing so, gives me a sense of wellbeing and accomplishment that few other activities do.

    I highly recommend that you find some type of physical activity which mentally and physically challenges you. You will find it much easier to develop a positive mindset by regularly exercising!

    Sleep Perks

    Somewhere along the line, we have developed a distorted view of sleep.

    In today’s world, it’s all about how much can be accomplished on the least amount of sleep. Society today wears sleep deprivation like a badge of honor.

    Everywhere you look, there are ads for energy drinks, supplements, and caffeine-filled products guaranteed to help you stay awake for days.

    Meanwhile, there are equally as many ads for medications and supplements guaranteed to put you to sleep when you’re struggling with insomnia.

    The reality is our bodies NEED sleep. It’s the reset button which brings us back to neutral and refreshes our minds and bodies.

    There is no positive mindset without adequate rest.

    And we are making sleep way too complicated. Caffeine, screen time before bed, and unrelieved anxiety all work against quality sleep.

    Simple adjustments to your daily (and nightly) routines can do wonders in helping you get a good night’s sleep. Check out this post for more tips on getting restful sleep at night.

    Calm Your Mind

    Learning how to calm your mind can also have a dramatic impact on your ability to attain a positive mindset. One way to do this is through meditation.

    This ancient practice helps you become more aware of your thoughts. You can then begin to control your thoughts and learn how to manage negative feelings.

    I was sceptical of meditation until trying it a few months ago.

    Meditation does require practice however I immediately began noticing positive changes. It helped me develop an awareness of my thoughts and the need to stop thinking on auto-pilot.

    I have also learned techniques for avoiding negative chatter in my mind. Negative chatter, fueled by insecurity and overwhelm, can swirl into a perfect storm of anxiety.

    Although it can feel as if we have no control over our thoughts (and especially the negative chatter), we absolutely do.

    Meditation clears space for peace and introspection within your mind, essential components to developing a more positive mindset.

    Meditation is an essential piece of developing a more positive mindset!

    If you are completely new to meditation, I highly recommend this app. I can’t say enough about the positive changes I have seen since I started using it!

    It’s Your Turn to Work on a Positive Mindset

    Goals are important because when done consistently, they build into habits. Habits form the backbone of lasting change and goal attainment. Without small goals performed consistently, goal attainment is impossible, even more so without a positive mindset.

    I hope you have found these tactics helpful. You can do hard things! But you must work to establish a foundation based upon positivity in order to do so.

    Developing a more positive outlook doesn’t have to be difficult. Take small action every day to see bigger changes down the road.

    I’d love to hear your thoughts below on what you found most helpful! Until next time …. keep chasing after those goals! Remember, the only failure in life is quitting.